Friday, November 11, 2016

15th Anniversary of 9/11

September 11, a day that we remember. We remember where we were that day. We remember all who lost their lives and all that have had to learn to live without their loved one. We remember how all our lives changed on that Tuesday morning. While I was living in Idaho when the attacks happened, I still remember the events of the day. The fear, the overwhelming sadness, the realization that America is not immune to acts of terrorism. As I have blogged about on several occasions I have had the opportunity to visit ground zero several times and the Pentagon Memorial probably at least 20 times in the 2 years I have been here. And since I am here, I feel like I should take time out of my day to remember and visit this simply amazing memorial. When you are in DC, please make the time to see the Pentagon memorial

We will never forget!

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