Sunday, February 7, 2016

2015 moving into 2016

A full year in the DC metro area. People that know me, know I had this plan in my head of how things would go. I am a planner. I like to know what is going to happen. Obviously, things went a lot more different then I thought it would. Some things were greater than I could imagine and other things were harder than I could imagine. I am a private person. I don't let my emotions control me, in fact, I am to the extreme of where most of my decisions are never emotional. I am a rational, logical, black and white, point a to point b, kind of person. While I have shared a lot of the good experiences on this blog, I do not share the harder more emotional experiences. There was a time a few years ago, I got emotional on my blog, but honestly that is not the purpose of this blog(nor should you bother looking through old posts, because they are deleted and now only to be found in my blog book - so come visit to see my emotional, pathetic side:)) However, just because I do not share them, does not mean I lack any kind of emotions. I am a crier. I have cried a lot to my cousin, Karen, Marie or Kathie over my insecurities, my doubts, my mistakes, my confusion, my hurt, my loneliness, or trivial things - I am human and sometimes life is just hard. And sometimes life is amazing. This is my life, my decisions, and I have learned more about myself living out here then I even knew I could. My friendships have flourished and while it is not the same as sitting down in Marie's living room drinking our Dutch Bro's, as I snuggle with Sutter while watching Jackson running around the room, I do cherish our Skype dates. One of my relationships has deepened beyond measures since leaving Idaho and all throughout 2015, was my relationship with Barb. I can't even begin to explain how much I love and admire her. Honestly, she has filled a gap in my life that I never truly had. She is showing me love from a relationship where I never felt loved before.
Being in this area for 16 months, I would have thought that the homesickness would be gone, but it isn't. I still long for the days when I can be back in Idaho. A good friend of mine at work is a friend because she is from Idaho. I am seriously thinking about getting the state of Idaho tattooed on my arm. I bleed Idaho and while I thought I had east coast tendency a few years ago, I now know for sure I am a west coast girl! I need mountains and open spaces and live stock and a slower pace of life. But one thing I know without a doubt, when I leave this area, I will miss it and I will always have a little bit of DC in my heart.
  • January: started the year unemployed;14 days in I went back to my temp job as a temp; Karen visited for the first time
  • February: Became a regular employee on Feb 2; first snow storm
  • March: Big snow storm; Bonni & Troy visit 
  • April: Paul, Barb, Lisa, Susan and Katie visit; rode trip to Monticello; all things Cherry Blossom; Passport DC
  • May: Road trip to Rehoboth, Delaware to see the Atlantic Ocean; Robert & Stacy visited.
  • June: First birthday in DC; First professional baseball game
  • July: 4th of July in our Nation's Capitol; Moved to Maryland; April & Steven visit
  • August: Tuf's birthday; One year in DC; Road trip to Shenandoah Caverns; Kennedy Center play; Went to Idaho for the first time in a year
  • September; Baltimore; BSU game in Charlottesville; Mike & Lynda visit; Anthony's birthday
  • October: Chelsea visits; train trip to Yorktown, Virginia to see Stacy & Robert; Becky's 2nd visit; road trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 
  • November: Tuf's parents visit; Christine's 2nd visit; hosted Thanksgiving; Zach's visit; First NFL game
  • December: Karen's 2nd visit; Steven & April visit; all things Christmas
Overall, 2015  was a wonderful year - many great things happened. 
My life is amazing and actually An Exciting Life! 

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