Wednesday, January 6, 2016

November/December Random

My favorite kind of posts - my everyday random life. The simple side of my life.
No surprise but I love pumpkin spice and I jumped at this opportunity to own my own 63 ounces of pure gold. I still have no idea what I am suppose to do with this - but I will figure it out.
This beautiful creature is the creation of a coworker of mine. I have hounded him for months to make cupcakes (he use to be a pastry chef) and he finally caved and brought in the most amazing cupcakes I have ever seen! I could only take 1, sad I know, so I chose the chai spice cupcake.
Seriously, who can just whip these up?!??! I am jealous, but glad I can partake of them!
Living on the east coast, has been really missing my west coast roots. I miss the mountains and the wide open spaces. I love the east coast - but I am a west coast girl!
Princess is also Nevada born.

Being a west coast girl - you don't have fall's like the beautiful east does, cause you need tress to have a beautiful fall and trees are a little more sparse in Nevada and southern Idaho. Our neighborhood is was spectacular in the fall. 

I spend a lot of time Skyping with dear friends and I truly value that time. I have the best friends!
The weekend after Thanksgiving we got our Christmas tree - Fuller!

Chillin with the animals!
  Salad with fries - umn, yes!
Just another night at Target.

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