Sunday, March 22, 2015

Karen's Visit

Karen flew into DC on Friday, February 6. Karen is the reason I fell in love with DC, way back in 2008, when I came to visit her. After I picked Karen up at Reagan, we went to old town to have amazing Thai food! I had never been to Mai Thai before but wow, I was missing out, the almond chicken is ah-maz-ing! 
After dinner we drove over to National Harbor. I am so excited to explore National Harbor more this year. New to 2014 was a giant Ferris wheel. Over the years I have developed an irrational fear of heights. But I don't want this to ever hinder me so I do push myself and do silly things like ride Ferris wheels. I don't understand this fear because I have flown a billion times, been on numerous Ferris wheels and roller coasters. Just like me, this fear makes no sense. 
On the Ferris wheel we tried and tried to find the Washington Monument, and seriously after our last time around (we went around 5 times), we found it - I am really directionally challenged here. Ask me for directions anywhere on the west and I got it, out here, nope, I am always lost. When walking to new places I always go the wrong way, even when I am following my phones GPS. 

After National Harbor we went home to play Ticket to Ride. On Saturday morning we woke up early and meet Karen's friend, Melissa, at Old Ebbits for breakfast. Karen and I had the apple cinnamon french toast - yum! Melissa had oyster and egg something.

After Old Ebbits we wandered a few Smithsonian's. First we went to the Portrait Gallery. I have been to the Portrait Gallery a billion times, cause I eat lunch there at least 2 times a week. I loved the Robert Estes display, it is gone now but I walked the display a few times. We then walked Archives and I finally saw the Bill of Rights, Constitution and Declaration of Independence. After Archives we walked through the National Gallery of Art. Next we walked to Union Station to say goodbye to Melissa and enjoy a crepe.
After Union Station we rented bikes and rode around Karen's old neighborhoods behind the Capitol. We then rode the bikes to a new memorial that was dedicated this fall, the American Veterans disabled for life memorial.
The star represents the 5 branches of our military.

The birdie on the frozen Capitol Reflecting Pool.
After exploring around the Capitol area we rode back to Chinatown and had pizza at District Pi. We then went home and played Phase 10 and Ticket to Ride with Anthony and Tuf. 
On Sunday we had brunch at District Taco, ran a couple errands and then played more Ticket to Ride and Phase 10.
On Sunday early evening, Tuf and Anthony drop us off at the metro so I could spend 3 nights with Karen in downtown DC. My commute in the mornings was rough - a 5 minute walk! 
On Sunday night we had dinner at Shake Shack and then rode bikes on the mall and Tidal Basin. I love, love, love, the mall at night!

On Monday night we had a chill night. Dinner at my favorite restaurant in DC - Matchbox! We than went back to the hotel and played Phase 10.
On Tuesday night we had dinner at a good Chinese place in Chinatown and then went to Ford's Theater for my first DC play, Widow Lincoln. It was a really good play, very dark and depressing, but wow, so much history in the play and in the very theater we sat. I work around the block from Ford's theater so I am familiar with the area, but going into the theater was a memory I will always cherish.

The booth Lincoln was shot in.

I love having people visit and it is so fun to explore something new with friends! I also love having Karen visit. Karen is one of a few people who knows everything about me. She is my confidant, when I have a problem, a morale dilemma, or I just want someone to tell me what to do, she is the person I call. I feel so blessed to have such a strong friendship in Karen.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Just so you know - Karen loves you too!