Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Last Random of 2018

My last random post of 2018 - where did the year go? 
Our present from Scott this year were these signs that we can create our own sayings. This is so me - I have a great smile and I will smile at you when I like you and when you irritate me. 
Princes enjoying the holidays and probably is like, stop with the pictures lady. 

As I do with most trips, I try and clean my apartment so that Kiarra doesn't stay in a dirty apartment. I also had to take down my tree because it wouldn't have lasted another 2 weeks. After the tree was down, I knew I had to vacuum the pine needles - so I decided to move the couch and much to my surprise I found majority of the kitty balls that Princess has played with and lost over the last year. I didn't realize, how many ball she had. 
One Friday night in December, I decided to walk to the Holiday Market in Chinatown and the sky was so pristine. 

On Saturday in December I went out to the Mosaic district in Virginia to see if this area could be an option, if I decided to move when my lease was up. It is a really awesome area and would totally be fun to live in, but the commute would be long and the price was just as expensive as my current situation. And I have decided to stay at my current place for another year - yay for not moving (well hopefully, I'll move in 2019 but if I do it will be out of the DC area). Anyways, Gina and Mike met me in the Mosaic area where we wandered around and had a lovely lunch. 

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