Wednesday, February 6, 2019

George H.W. Bush

On Tuesday, December 4, I decide to do something by myself and I went to the US Capitol to pay my respect to the 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush. I was expecting to stand in line for a few hours (I remember standing in line for a few hours when I did it a few years ago when Justice Scalia. However, with the Justice I did it with some friends. This time around I was alone.) It was super cold and a few times I did question, why was I doing this? And at one point I thought for sure my pinky toes had frozen off. But I stood in line for about 3 hours outside and about 30 minutes once inside the US Capitol. There were not photos in the rotunda of the US Capitol, but is is an experience I will always remember and something that you can only do in DC! 

After we paid our respects to the former president, we were even this card and we could sign the guest book. 

When  came out of the US Capitol around 9:30 pm (I got in line about 5:45 pm) the line had grown tremendously! I would estimate that these people would be standing in line for about 5 hours. I had a coworker who went around 2 am in the morning and she stood in line for 2 hours - even at that time of morning! It was amazing how many people came out to pay their respect. 

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