Tuesday, January 15, 2019

H Street Festival

On the first Saturday in October, Stephanie was out of town, so I decided to be brave and do something on my own (I am not big at being on my own) and went to the H Street Festival. The H Street Festival is a huge event in DC where they block off 12 city blocks and have vendors, food and entertainment. H street is also less than half a mile from my house. H Street is the biggest street festival in DC with about 100,000 in attendance. 

After I walked the entire 12 blocks of H street, I walked a couple blocks over to Capitol Hill and strolled the cobble stone streets admiring the fall colors. 

Then I walked to Union Station to grab some make up (they have a Mac store - don't judge). 
It was a beautiful fall afternoon and I really enjoyed being able to walk everywhere. In the end my little walk was just a little over 4 miles. 

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