Sunday, January 27, 2019

Barb's Here Day 4

Monday, November 5 had finally come - for Barb that is. Okay this was on my bucket list to as a thing to do in DC before I left and I had no excuse because my apartment building touches NPR Headquarters. I'm so glad that we got a tour, because earlier this summer they had stopped the tours - but then thankfully brought the back in this fall - just in time for our little NPR nerd - Barb. 

The time block for one of their shows - everything is done to the second. 

Inside one of their studios and the only place where photos were allowed. 
After NPR we had lunch in Chinatown at Jetties (my favorite sandwich shop) and then did another bucket list item for me and went to the Bible Museum. You could spend hours here and it is really well laid out. We were able to do a virtual reality experience to start off our adventure. 

After the Bible Museum we did another new thing for me - Barb was being so awesome and doing things in DC that I have never done before and another new thing is a famous bar called, Off the Record - next to the White House. The drinks were super strong, super expensive and really good. I don't drink that much, but this one drink made me buzzed and even the lady next to me said that the drinks are crazy strong!

It was a super amazing day and we did so much! 

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