Thursday, July 11, 2019

Goehner's Visit - Day 8

Saturday, April 6 - the last day of the amazing week long vacation. Surprise, surprise - we got up early and headed to Baltimore to go to the aquarium and see some of the inner harbor. Nobody was ready to be up so early! 
We had breakfast at a fun little spot and then walked over to be at the aquarium when they opened. 

The aquarium is so much fun and we were able to see the dolphin show as well. After the aquarium we walked around the inner harbor, which is really cool experience with all the ships. 
From Saturday to Friday (so not including our Baltimore trip) my cousin added up that she walked 65 miles, 167,296 steps and 108 flights of stairs. We did so much in our week from all aspects of DC to our fun trip to New York City and our day trips into Virginia and Maryland. We all did very well living in my tiny studio of under 500 square feet. I feel so blessed every time someone comes to visit me and even more when it's family. Ash and I were so close when I lived in Idaho and even though we haven't been close these last 5 years, we are still family. 
As I mentioned before, I tweaked my knee...not sure what I did - probably just old age and being fat, but it hurt for a long time. However, it has now thankfully healed after I didn't walk 65 miles in one week :) ha! 
After I dropped the cousins off at BWI - I ran a couple errands and dropped Bumblebee off in Maryland and than came home to my empty apartment. :( 
I decided to take a soothing bubble bath to relax my knee and read Number the Starts (the book Ash bought me at the Holocaust museum). 
Thank you Ash, Liah and Marty for spending your vacation time with me - I will always cherish this time. 

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