Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Goehner's Visit - Day 7

Friday, April 5 - I'm a planner and this was not part of my plan. My plan was do go to the US Capitol and then out to Dulles for the Air and Space Museum - it is my favorite Smithsonian and it has the spaceship, which is amazing alone. But the universe had a different plan. Just 23 hours before, the White House emailed Ash and told her she was approved for a tour. Yay... blah... the White House tour is lame...BUT, if you have never been then you have to go. So we rearranged the schedule like a boss and crammed a lot into their last official day in DC. 
We got up early (like we had done, every day they were here) and stood in line at 7:30 am for tickets for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing - this is where money is printed (and in Fort Worth). They only issue same day tickets thus why we lined up an hour before they opened. But we were able to get right in for the tour - perfect! It's a tour I have been on many times, but also a good one and really interesting. 

Oh, have I mentioned the lovely White House tour? Yeah, well part of the tour is that is a logistical nightmare - you can't bring anything with you into the White House, I understand why - but where are tourist suppose to keep their belonging when they go on the 2 second tour? In my case, it's always my work. So while they went to the American History Museum, I hobbled (I tweaked my knee the day before - I call it karma, I am not very sensitive to people when they complain how much their feet hurt...well it bite me in the butt - because I hurt my knee and was in pain for about two-ish months.) the mile to my work to drop off our bags and then went back to the museum. 
The Bat Mobile!!!! 

 For you GG - we love and miss you! 

Handmaid's Tale: 
Not sure who this is, but Liah is in it, so must include :) 

 White House Time! 

After the White House we walked to my work to grab our stuff and then caught an Uber to the US Capitol for a Capitol tour...as you guessed a tour I have been on 1.4 billion times, but when in DC you gotta do it! 
The fam in front of one of the two Nevada statues in the US Capitol - this one is Winnemucca. 

Next up is a jaunt to the outside of the Supreme Court and Library of Congress - amazingly beautiful buildings. 

After the US Capitol we went to Old Town to my favorite Thai restaurant. 
 Then we walked to the awesome new interactive park next to the river. 

 Fun on the Trolley that takes you to the metro in Old Town. 
I still need to go George Washington's Masonic Temple. 
The rain display at my metro stop or as Marty and Liah called it the daggers of death. 
It was a great last day - even though it was very much unplanned. 

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