Monday, December 8, 2014

Hanging with Friends

In July a group of us went paddle boarding and kayaking. There were a few people in the group that had never gone paddle boarding before but everyone tried it. It was so much fun! I totally stink at paddle boarding - I more like to just sit on the the board and talk...yeah, I know I should totally just kayak. But I did stand on the paddle board for maybe 10ish minutes one time.
With only a week and half left before I was going to to move out of my apartment I should have been packing. But instead I went paddle boarding!
Then had breakfast at the Pancake house.
Then had fro yo with this adorable little boy (Finn) and his wonderful mom, my friend, Cristi!

Then had pizza with this little boy (Jackson) and friends in Nampa!

Miriam, Taryn, Jackson, Ri and Mere
This is a random blog post but that's what happen when you don't blog for 4 months. A week before I left Idaho, my dear friend Lisa made me pansit and egg rolls. Pansit is a Filipino dish that Lisa makes amazingly well. I honestly don't know the last time she made it for me. But there is one time that I remember when we lived together and I was helping Lisa make pansit and all I really remember is here telling to to chop the vegetables into smaller pieces.
Ri made cupcakes and brought ice cream...yum, yum, yum!
I also spent a lot of time with my best friend Ri and her adorable babe!

Another night I had the pleasure of having dinner with one of the most amazing and thoughtful people I know. Kathie is simply wonderful. She just makes you want to open up and tell her everything that you have never told anyone else.

I love and miss all my friends so much.

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