Thursday, March 14, 2019

President Lincoln's Cottage

On Saturday March 2, Stephanie and I did another bucket list item. We went a place that not many people know about - President Lincoln's Cottage. It is in the 'burbs of DC - if that is even a thing? But also only 3 miles from the White House. After a period of restoration President Lincoln's Cottage opened to the public in 2008. President Lincoln and his family spent about a fourth of his Presidency here. Our tour guide explained that while the cottage was only 3 miles north of the White House it is the 3rd highest point in DC, so in the hot and humid summer being a little higher in elevation allowed for a breeze. Also, the Lincoln's son Willie died at the age of 11 in the White House probably from a water borne disease close to the White House because at that time the Potomac River was right next to  the White House, whereas today most of the National Mall is landfill. The Cottage was a place where President Lincoln could escape, even though visitors would still show up. President Lincoln would ride his horse to the White House each day and sometimes he would leave early enough to escape the two men who were his Secret Service (though not officially Secret Service). They say it would take President Lincoln about 30 minutes to get to the White House and today it would still be about the same amount of time - even though it is in a car and not horse - oh traffic in the district is terrible.
No photos are allowed inside the cottage, but the grounds are beautiful on this clear winter day.  

The cottage is not what you probably thought a cottage would be... it is rather large. 
Original front door.

After President Lincoln's Cottage, we ventured over to The Kennedy Center for a free concert at Millennium Stage. I didn't know the artist, Gaby Moreno, but she is one of Stephanie's favorites and she was amazing! Even if I didn't under the words she was singing, it was still amazing. 

Super fun day exploring new things! 

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