Sunday, March 10, 2019

February Randomness

February was a pretty quiet month in Mere land. I worked a lot and chilled a lot.
Jackson and Sutter made me the most adorable Valentine's Day cards - aren't they adorable!  
As I mentioned, I worked a lot and one of the reasons was because of the start of the 2019 Intern program and this year we have 44 intern opportunities! 44! That is a lot! My boss, wanted a visual representation, so everyone could see our count down. I made this serial killer tracking poster :) It has surprisingly been very popular and many people have asked about it. We are counting down from 44 and the sticky note color means the recruiter that filled that position.  

Unlike my last job that didn't want their name anywhere, ACS puts their name on everything! And I mean everything - even this cake mix box. I love it! Notice the wording under the Chocolate cupcakes mix... very clever ACS, very clever! 
I got Princess a laser pointer - she liked it for the first time or two, now I think I just irritate her - but every night we try to play, just a little for this old lady. Her face cracks me up - it's like, seriously lady... 

For a few days, I watched my friend in the building cats - Mia and Jackie. 
 My coworker/friend at work Cindi - and I walk home at least a few times a week, it is about a 2 mile walk. It's fun to walk home with someone and it goes by so quickly. On our walk in late February, we noticed cherry blossoms on a tree already - so early and actually a little surprising because we have had a winter this summer. Cherry Blossom time in DC is so beautiful! 
My friend Lisa celebrated her 14th year of marriage and on Facebook she posted this wonderful picture of all us, childhood friends during the wedding activities. 
Left to Right (Lisa's friend - Erica, Marie (my BFF), Li the bride (pink), one of Lisa's friends, Rachel (brown shirt - this was the last time I saw Rachel - she lives in Florida with her family), me in the green shirt, Karen next to me and as we know she lives in Wisconsin and Kimberley who now lives in Fiji. 

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