Wednesday, March 6, 2019

First Randomness of 2019

Yep, the first random post of 2019 and I am actually writing this just two days into February, so technically this post is just right on time but this also concludes the blog catch up phase that took 4 months. Hopefully in 2019 I'll be better about blogging, but I doubt it. But now I am super excited that I have finished the catch up phase and I can order my blog book. 
#VoiceinMyHeadLie #IamLoved
Princess has had some health issues that we are still trying to figure out. I may be a an overprotective kitty mommy. For the first time in Princess's long diabetes life I am having a hard time controlling her glucose levels. She has had extremely high highs and super low lows (where I have forced her to eat honey, twice). Kiarra kindly took us to the Vet in Rockville and we are working our way through regulating her glucose in hopes are her getting a dental cleaning soon. As I write this, Princess only eats soft/watered down food - but at least she is eating, drinking and using the kitty litter box. Princess will be 15 this year and I do understand that her years are limited, but I pray that she still has many more, because I will be disaster when I have to make that decision. For now I will love on her (even if she isn't a fan of me cuddling and picking on her). 

And now that I have talked about Princess's health issues, I should mention that I have been dealing with my own health issues since the end of 2018. I have had a few tests done. I had a brain MRI done and and an EKG. I have gone to a cardiologist, a neurologist and my regular doctor. I have had my blood drawn 3 times. Everything has came back good. Yay! But as I am writing this, I am waiting retaking my blood for retesting my thyroid for a third time. It doesn't really explain some of my symptoms, but I am trying to get my health back in line. I know I am lazy and fat but I do want to live a lot longer. So time to make some changes, in maybe steps. I have started taking a once a week Yoga class at work (me getting ready for yoga in my "but first...pumpkin spice" awesome shirt). My coworker and I have also been walking home in the evenings (weather dependent). We will walk in the super cold, but not a fan of walking in rain or snow. And I am trying to eat more healthy food at home - no more soda and cutting back on the candy. While I was in Texas, Tuf showed me how to make mini turkey burgers that I absolutely love!

The moon was super big and bright one night. It's hard to get good pictures of the night sky in the city because of all the lights - but these were taken from my rooftop. 

At work, my January was spent planning for our summer 2019 interns and organize our 2018 team awards. I love our intern program and I even posted our internships at Boise State. In 3 weeks of accepting applications we received close to 800 applicants and in one week our intern program team reviewed all the resumes. We have a great team! Sadly though, I don't think anyone from BSU applied :( It was worth a try. 

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