Monday, May 27, 2019

Goehner's Come to DC - Day 1

I was so excited! My cousin Ashley, her husband Marty, their daughter Liah were coming to visit me for an entire week! Ashley has reached out to me in October of 2018 to start planning. I'm all about planning, but 6 months is a little too early to start planning. But we did get the plane tickets in the Fall of 2018. I love hosting. It really is a passion of mine that I found I had when we had our guest room in Alexandria and Silver Spring. I have had to impressive in Rockville and now in DC. Since the family was going to be here for an entire week, I wanted my tiny home to feel like their home. I bought a crazy amount of beverages (I don't drink Capri Suns, Gatorade or Fresca - but that was there drinks and I enjoy providing people with what they like). 
I was also able to provide them with my famous gift baskets, Starbucks mugs, postcards and of course the guest book. 
They flew in and out of Baltimore. They landed at 3pm on Saturday, March 30 and then we drove into DC. After showing them around my apartment we got on the metro to go to Chinatown for dinner at my favorite restaurant, Matchbox. 

After an amazing dinner, we decided to walk to the National Mall - I mean you have too, right?!?!On the way to the mall we passed through some famous places in DC, like FBI headquarters, Department of Justice, Trump Tower and the expensive City Center. 

After walking to the Washington Monument we felt like we had our first taste of DC and were ready for the week!
Liah and I are known for our Fro-yo love, unfortunately  we didn't have any Fro-yo but we did have a ice cream a couple of times. 

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