Whop, whop, whop! Another visitor. Karen! And this time we were heading to the beach. Yes! I hadn't been to the beach yet (I know, what is wrong with me!), so I was really looking forward to a couple days at the beach. Last year around this time Karen and I went to Virginia Beach, Virginia and it was amazing - this year we went to Ocean City, Maryland.
We drove to Ocean City on Thursday night. On Friday morning we were on some hunt for some food. We ended up at a yummy breakfast place called Layton's.
Now let's go back to the hotel and get ready for some beach activity! The view from our hotel - it's always a requirement of ours to have an Ocean Front room!

As we were walking to the beach we were able to see several schools of dolphins swimming super close to shore - it was so cool! Yeah, okay at first we thought sharks, but it was confirmed that they were dolphins.
The water was perfect!
I really love the ocean. I love spending time at the beach. I love playing in the water. I love how it just calms me and centers me. We were able to hang out on the beach for a few hours to sunset.
I am not a morning person (shocker!), but I have to wake up and watch the sunrise - it is just amazing.
After sunrise, we went back to sleep and then woke up to yet another amazing view.
We finally pulled ourselves away from the beach to head back to the city. But first we had to get some donuts from the famous, Fractured Prune!
I'm pretty sure I could live super close to the ocean and be happy every day.
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