Thursday, January 17, 2019

Harvey goes to Ohio

Remember Harvey from my random September post? Well, I had Harvey for a month so it was time to go see Allyson in Columbus and this time I was able to go with him! 
Safety first on the plane for everyone - including Mr. Harvey
Harvey enjoyed looking out the airplane window. 

Harvey helping guide Mary (our driver) to Starbucks. 

Harvey enjoying a $3.00 drink for Happy Hour and a yummy dinner with Laura (friend/coworker) in the Short North area of Columbus. 

After dinner, sorbet at the famous Jeni's 
A nice welcome in our hotel room.
We did a little work while watching the music awards. 

Not about Harvey, but at our office in Columbus, they have a cat named Dash. I was excited to meet Dash and this is what Dash thought of me. 
The reason I was in Ohio was to attend a day training on our engagement survey. Allyson sadly was out of the office and couldn't attend, but Harvey and I sent her all our pictures of what she was missing. 

Since Allyson wasn't in the office, I handed Harvey to Toni until Allyson returned. 

Columbus is actually a cool city, reminds me of Boise without the mountains. The airport is super nice. 
I had no idea that the plane windows opened for the pilot! I snapped this picture and thought to myself, don't they have window cleaners? I was showing the picture to Mary during our flight and she had me send it to her, so when we landed she showed it the flight attendant, who in turn showed it to the pilot and he thought it was the best picture and asked if she could send it to him. 

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