Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Renwick Gallery.

Part of my DC story now is to explore all the places I wanted to see but haven't had a chance to do and now that I live in DC  I can't use the excuse that I don't want to come into the city. 
On Sunday, February 17, Gina came into the city to hang out with me. I first showed her around my new place and then we decided to walk the 2 miles to the Renwick Gallery. On our walk we stopped at our beloved District Taco and then brought our lunch to Lafayette Square to eat on this warm February afternoon. Lafayette Square is the park in front of the White House and the Renwick Gallery is right next to the White House. The Renwick Gallery opened back up to the public a year or so ago, but normally has super long lines and it is my motto that I don't stand in lines if I don't have to. And in DC the only time you don't have to stand in line is in the winter time. We also picked the best time to go because two days later the Gallery was closing to update their exhibits for 1.5 months.

It is a quick museum to tour and it was unique for sure. I'll go back in like November to see what their new exhibits are. Gina and I walked back to my apartment. 
It was great to hang out with Gina and catch up with her and all the amazing things she is doing in life!

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