Sunday, July 21, 2019

Adams Morgan

For my friend Gina's birthday I ventured over to the Adam's Morgan part of DC. DC is small, but there are so many neighborhoods! It was a beautiful night so I walked to Adam's Morgan from a metro stop and walked across a bridge that overlooked Rock Creek Park - Beautiful! I love all the green in DC. 
I got to Adam's Morgan early so I walked around for about an hour - just looking and exploring and then I went to this fun ice cream place and got an affogato (espresso over ice cream), ah..mah...zing! 
Gina wanted to go to a concert of a artist that she really likes, Mogli - she is a Germany singer, but has a beautiful soft voice. 

This is Martha's old 'hood - it was great for Martha to show me around and I had a fun evening out with friends and seeing more of this fun city! 

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